Self-Improvement:How To Be A Positive and Happy Person  

Posted by Wtmm

Self-Improvement:How To Be A Positive and Happy Person

Abrahan Lincoln once said "Most people are as happy as they want to be". He also observed how everyone how stresse,troubled,or relaed they want to be. Someone may ask "Why be happy?" Learning to be happier is an important part of self-improvement. It's a well known fact life isn't without stress, but positive attitudes can make bad situations less stressful.
Here are a few tips that will help improve your happiness. Remember,aim for a gradual self-improvement and don't expect changes overnight.
Have a positive attitude.

All of us can probably name someone who just is positive by nature. Nothing seems to bother them. Some are just born that and others are not. There are those with negative attitudes who are fault-finding, complaining,or simply look mad at the whole world. A negative attitude like this can ruin a good time. Imagine being at a party having a good time and someone comes in with an unhappy attitude. If this sounds like you,think about making a change. Life is too short to be thinking so negatively all the time. Turn negative thoughts into positive ones. For instance,instead of thinking "It's a miserable rainy day outside." ,think"I can get more work done on the inside." Studies have shown poeple shy away from those with negative attitudes. Don't be one of them.

Be grateful

When was the last time you thanked someone? Thank you doesn't seem to be part of our vocabulary anymore. There isn't anything old-fashioned about expressing gratitude if only for small favors. Self-improvement is needed greatly in today's world. Thank someone for holding a door open for you.Thank the host for serving a delicious meal. Yes,even thank dear great-aunt for that ugly old sweater you can't stand. Though we live in the computer age,send a hand-written thank you note every now and then.It adds a personal touch. Showing appreciation not only makes the giver feel good,but makes you feel good.

Give a little.
It is human nature to be selfish,but sometimes selfishness can be extreme.The world doesn't need any more selfishness than it already has. Giving just a little of yourself goes along way.Giving doen't have to involve money. An elderly neighbor may need transportation. Simply visiting a person will do nicely,too. Donate clothes you don't use anymore to charity instead of throwing them away. Give words of encouragement to someone down on their luck.No matter how small the favor,giving a little means a lot. Those who give have a more cheerful disposition.

Laugh a little everyday.
Keeping up with current news events is alright,but enough is enough. Some of us can't live without our twenty-four hour news channels.Do we really need to watch all the negative things?Take a break from the news and watch a comedy. Develop a sense of humor by reading the comic strips in newspapers. Tell someone a good joke you have heard. Laughter is the best medicine.

Happiness and positive attitude are choices. Life is as happy as you make it. Following these simple self-improvement tips will make you a happier person.In times of trouble,remember the old saying"If life gives you lemons,make lemonade."

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Article Source: GoArticles

Top Tips On Being More Positive  

Posted by Wtmm

“If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought.” - Peace Pilgrim.

Never have truer words been spoken. If you wish to be happy and successful then it is vital that you develop a positive attitude as negativity breeds self-defeatist behaviour and drains any magnetism you may otherwise possess. That is why I have come up with these top tips which will help you quell negative thoughts and garner a more positive attitude to life.

Negativity causes tension and tension causes negativity, to break this circle you need to find a way to effectively work out the tension you hold. Nothing releases tension better than physical activity so try to find a form of exercise which you enjoy partaking in and do it daily. This could be joining a local sports team, going jogging or taking your dog for a brisk walk.

Another great way of releasing tension is to achieve something. Try cleaning out a room, tightening that leaking tap or re-potting a house plant. It doesn’t matter how big or small the achievement is, the feeling of accomplishment makes you feel like a winner.

Accept What You Can’t Change

We tend to dwell more on the negative past events in our lives rather than the positive ones. However no matter how much time and thought you put into it, there’s nothing you can do to change the past. All you can do is learn from any mistakes you’ve made and make use of that lesson in the future.

Similarly there are some things in the present that you cannot change. When this is true you should try to move away from the source of negativity as best you can.

Avoid Critical Thinking

You’re not perfect, I’m not perfect, and honestly we never will be because nobody is ever perfect. Critical thinking only develops a negative attitude towards yourself and others. The time you spend thinking poorly of yourself or others would be much better served coming up with ideas and solutions to aid development.

Avoid Pointless Competition

Sometimes competition can be a big driving force behind success, however rarely does competition result in a positive outlook. Instead it develops jealousy, bitterness and resentment. That is why you need to avoid pointless competition. You will find that you can actually get a lot more done, and therefore achieve more, when you co-operate with others rather than working against them.

Prepare Properly

Whenever you are properly prepared for a situation or event then it becomes a lot easier to deal with it in a positive manner. For example I run a number of websites and unfortunately there are a few rotten apples who take amusement in hacking other people’s website. If I wasn’t prepared for this and it were to happen then I would lose hundreds of hours of work and a significant revenue source, and it’d generate a lot of negativity from me. That is why I always make sure my sites are backed up in several formats, so if one of my website’s got hacked I would be easily able to undo the damage. No fuss, no muss.

Help Others

When you regularly make the effort to help others you are seen in a much more positive light by those you have helped. In turn, this means that should you find yourself in need of help there are more people who are likely to want to offer you assistance. This provides a comfort level that will allow you to be more positive as even through a period of bad luck you will have friends to fall back on.

There you have it. Six areas that you can work on to become a more positive person. It might not happen overnight but with some hard work and persistence you can become that dynamic, positive individual you always wanted to be.

By: Jake Rhodes

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Jake Rhodes is the author of many self-help articles and currently runs top hypnosis site along with professional hypnotherapist, Jon Rhodes.

End Stress To Start Living  

Posted by Wtmm

Stress is a very common condition that affects all kinds of people all over the world. Regardless of your gender, age, or ethnicity, you will be susceptible to stress at some point in your life.
Even with excessive amounts of stress all over in our society, not many people know why we get stressed out or how to deal with it. We need to understand somethings about the common causes of stress.
How Does Stress Begin?
The three types of stress factors that most people say caused them stress would be work, money, and family. However, if you ask the same people they would also say that these are the most important things in their lives. So why are they causing stress and still the highlight of their lives?
The thing is that stress doesn't really result from bad things. For example, a tired mother can become stressed over her children only because they run around too much and refuse to sit still. In fact, it is usually the situations that cause stress and not the person, thing or place itself.
Negative Thoughts Result in Stressful Situations
It is a common theory that most stressful situations only become so because of the negative feelings or thoughts that we associate with them. These include fear, anxiousness or anger.
We as a society have been programmed to focus on the negative in life. If we are happy at the weight we are at and someone calls us fat, don't we immediately run to the scale. If you know you're not fat why do you check your weight. You mind has just picked up and held onto the idea that you are fat. So instead focus on the positive. Notice that you look great.
You can forget about staying away from stress because it will always be around you no matter where you go. What you can do is focus your energy towards learning the proper and healthy ways of dealing with the situation.
How to Prevent the Side Effects of Stress
Stress is a psychological condition that can result in very real and very serious medical complications. Over the years, stress has been proven to be one of the risk factors of many major illnesses, such as heart attack, respiratory illnesses, impotence, poor metabolism, and a myriad of other health conditions. In order to reduce the risk of developing these illnesses, you should do your best and deal with stress as early as possible. Here are some of the things you can do to begin:
* Get regular exercise.
* Constantly motivate yourself.
* Sleep a minimum of 8 hours a night.
* Have a balanced diet.
* Don't take on more tasks the you can handle.
* Seek medical help.
* Make sure to relax.
* Implement a mental workout.
* Meditate.
* Listen to soft or classical music in times of stress.
* Organize your surroundings.
* Make life simple.
Overall the techniques here the most important is to stay calm, cool, and collected. The more you freak out the more you'll lose focus and the more stressed you'll be.

By: Thomas Turner

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Is stress overwhelming your life? Is your lack of coping with stress making you feel irritated and moody? Want to start managing stress? Go now to to find many more helpful tips on dealing with stress before it takes over your life.