Imagine if hundreds of years ago the stone age man decided to do nothing to improve the way in which he lived.
Imagine that he never discovered how to make fire, how to write on the walls with symbols, how to make houses, boats and how to cook food.
Imagine only remained what it was.
You can think of how our world would be our ancestors did not change and learned to make the best of their lives by the assumption of risks and discover new things?
Discover "new things" is a demonstration away from the status quo and suggests that it is necessary to be always ready to change.
Now imagine another scenario.
Traveling down the Rails history once more, a man would ride a horse and a horn sound when arrived the mail; pigeons used to act as messengers and delivered letters.
Then wine postal and fax services and now a letter can be sent anywhere in the world with just one mouse click on the email.
Imagine if we had not evolved or modified the system of letters that would take days or even months so that messages are delivered.
Even now in remote villages throughout worldwide and without places of the blessing of fast and up-to-date technology takes a very long time for letters and packages, and other forms of communication to reach its destination.
Can possibly you intend to live in a world without computers and networks?
However, these technologies were introduced many people were resistant to adopt them and learn to use computers.
Computers would never once was reported in a newspaper.
The above only reminds us that we must always be broadminded, willing to learn new ways of doing things and be prepared to change every time that the need arises.
A person takes two lives: a personal and professional life.
Nowadays people have learned to be in the game work, must be in "innovative Adaptive mode".
But remember that it is equally important to change while spending time with family and friends.
All those changes, some slower some faster.
Many marriages today collapse because spouses change at different speeds and derive apart.
In the world today, recognizing the next next is an absolute necessity as we became instead of a global community:
or is open to new ways of doing things
or sometimes have massive paradigm changes
or increase their feelings of empathy and tolerant of other people shapes
or to see our way of doing things is not the only way of
or we can learn from one another
Either evolve or dissolve.
Gloria M Hamilten is recognised authorities in disciplines within personal development and skills of people for professionals in business, such as time management, negotiation skills, development of high performance teams, assertion, international building RapPort, conflict management and resolution, presentation and platform skills skills.
Studies in psychology and Neuro-linguistic programming have carried their research brain disorders such as ad and their relationships.
She has her own business training and organises courses for enterprise organizations, Sporting groups and institutions of tertiary education in Australia.
His professional experience spans over 30 years of study, research, face-to-face as coach, group training, presentations and workshops. Its clientele includes both children and adults.
Gloria Hamilten has written e-book: "Self-first successful" and many reports and articles online.
Its website provides a large amount of resources and informational articles primarily within these genres.
Visit their Web sites.
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