There are few among us not struggling every day to improve his personality.
Shapes that are trying to improve ourselves can vary from small external changes such as a new suit or a new look, to more serious internal changes as we try to improve our gaze on life or our ability to interact with other people.
Personality goes beyond external appearance. Includes provisions, traits, qualities, speech and other things inborn in person.
Do not let stress and change your negative thoughts on moody, stay happy with this exercise the following personalities:
1 Keep the smile.
Try to keep a smile no matter how much you have days that are not welcome. This may seem as a time forced but then astonished while a smile can improve his spirit.
2. Intelligent control itself.
Facial expression is one of the signs that describe their feelings more easily recognizable. Seek neutral expression mimic your face, even when you are angry or estresada media and do not leave a frown to frown slowly make you look older.
3 Stay in touch.
Close and refused to communicate emotions only will make matters more worse if the day is still full of anxiety and tension. No matter whatever be the situation, try to make things easy and organized so you can communicate to your friends or colleagues.
4. The feelings of people feel.
Think about how you want to take another person earlier that you spit to feeling angry at others. There was no one around who want to be the object of your pucker frown. If you don't want to take this, not imposed on that person.
5 Have a sense of humor.
How much weight your day, try not to shake the sense of humor.? Laughter is good for the soul, and helps people that they surround him feel better and you have addressed a good personality.
Tri has written articles for 2 years. Like things related to art, design, skateboard and travel. Visit his latest the skate shoes, such as reviews of best skate shoes and the list of the product on the market information Web site.